Ability Builders
for Children, LLC
2865 Coddington Avenue, 001, Bronx, NY 10461
CALL US 1-718-239-8239
Your dedication is our strength!
At Ability Builders, we warmly welcome independent providers approved by the New York State Department of Health Bureau of Early Intervention to join our community. We're not just about facilitating connections; we're about building partnerships and friendships within the early intervention field.
Our aim is to ensure that you feel supported and valued every step of the way, allowing you to focus on what you do best—making a difference in the lives of children and families.
Our referral system is designed with both friendliness and efficiency in mind. We make it easy for you to connect with families who can most benefit from your unique skills and experience. You have the complete freedom to choose cases that fit your schedule and professional goals, ensuring that you work in a manner that feels right for you. This autonomy is coupled with our supportive environment, where you're encouraged to engage with cases that truly resonate with you, allowing for a more personal and impactful early intervention experience.
Moreover, our billing and collection processes are streamlined to ensure hassle-free administration for you. We handle these tasks with efficiency and accuracy, ensuring that your focus remains on your crucial work with children and families.
Prompt and fair compensation is part of our commitment to you, reflecting our appreciation for your hard work and dedication. At Ability Builders, we strive to create an atmosphere where your professional autonomy is supported by a foundation of friendliness and efficiency, allowing you to thrive as an independent provider in the early intervention community.
Are you providing Telehealth?
 Please help us track your cases by filling out the Telehealth survey form to the left. This will also help us identify needs that you might have relating to this service.
Vaccine Requirements: As of 12/20/2021 all providers wishing to continue providing early intervention services are required by NYC DOH EI are required to provide proof of COVID-19 vaccination.
Download Telehealth
Forms here

Providers wishing to restart in-person services: Please carefully read these documents

Parental Consent to Email Forms Fillable. Here you will find the fillable form that would allow you to Email Parents
Vaccine Mandate Requirements. Letter to providers and provider agencies
Parental Consent to Use Telehealth Services. This is a fillable Telehealth Consent Form (Required)
SC Telehealth Service Checklist. This is a fillable Form, meant to be used by service coordinators prior to the start or Telehealth services
Telehealth Service Log. This is a fillable Form (If you previously downloaded the log, please redownload the current revised one for immediate use)
EI Telehealth FAQ. This is the most current FAQ dated 3/25/2020 it does not include previously sent FAQs.
EI Telehealth FAQ. This is the FAQ from 03/19/2020.
Guidance for Using Materials found in the home and community during EI Services 6/22/2020
Guidance on Resuming In-Person Early Intervention in NYS June 18, 2020
NYC Detailed Action Plan for Return to In-Person Services 6/22/2020
NYC Consent to Initiate or Resume face-to-face services fillable form 6/22/20
Westchester County Return to In-person Services Guidelines 6/22/20
EI Telehealth FAQ June 18, 2020. Reissued with clarifications on consents, payments and other issues.
Nassau County Consent to Initiate or Resume face-to-face services fillable form 6/23/20
Nassau County Health Assessment form to determine suitability of face to face services 6/23/20